CHOH–Chinese herbs for Optimum Health
With the global epidemic of coronavirus infections, people may ask what to help to boost the immune system to protect ourselves?
Here is our recommendation:
Chinese herb: Huang Qi (Astraglus) decoction, Huang Qi (Astragalus) has been used in Chinese medicine for over two thousand of years, the main functions of Huang Qi are to Tonify Qi, consolidate body surface,and promote urination. Huang Qi is commonly used for patients frequently catching cold, profuse spontaneous sweating or edema. Modern research has shown that Huang Qi is the top herb that boosting the immune system.
How to use it:
15 to 30 grams of Huang Qi a day, cook with 500 ml water for 30 mins, drain and split the tea into two portions, drink morning and afternoon, for 15 days.
This is a dietary recommendation for optimum health, it is not suggested to treat any specific health conditions, in that case, you are recommended to consult a Chinese medicine practitioner.
Name of Herb: Huang Qi (Astragalus)
Main Use: Boosting Immune System
Availability: By prescription only
Description: Tonify Qi, consolidate body surface,and promote urination.It is commonly used for patients has fatigue, frequently catching cold, profuse spontaneous sweating or edema. Modern research has showed that Huang Qi(Astragalus) is that number one herb that has strong effect on boosting the immune system.
Other pharmacological uses:
- Degrees blood pressure
- Enhance cardio-vascular conditions
- Anti-aging
- Speeding up metabolism
- Decrease blood sugar
- Protects stomach membrane
- Anti-biotic
Prescribed for following conditions:
- Chronic gastritis
- Poor digestion
- Low energy
- Low immunity
- Arthritic pain
- Menstrual heavy bleeding
- Chronic ulceration
- Edema due to kidney dysfunction
- And more…
Chinese herbs mostly are used in prescription medicine. Huang Qi (Astragalus) is one of the major herb in Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Screen Powder) which is a formula that effectively boost immunity to prevent frequently catching cold.
Usage: it is often used orally, commonly used dosage is 10-30g for decoctions as daily use.
Huang Qi (Astragalus)can be used in food therapy to tonify the body energy. It is often cooked together with chicken to take as chicken soup. Huang Qi (Astragalus) is one of the Chinese herbs that have been used for over two thousand of years.
It is advised that Chinese herbs are almost all used in prescriptions. It is not advised for patients to choose herbs for therapeutic use according to their individual functions. Chinese herbal prescriptions use strategies to maximize the herbal therapeutic effect and also balance to prescription to avoid any possible side effect.
Cautions: Huang Qi (Astragalus) is good to help prevent cold or flu, but do not use it at the initial stage with a cold; do not use it when have an acute infection condition.
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Tags: chinese herbal medicine, Chinese Herbs, chinese medicine, coronavirus, Huang Qi (Astragalus)